The 3x5 Club Complete Book of Bible Quizzes
For teachers and small group leaders who want to help their students really learn and study the material, The 3x5 Club Complete Book of Bible Quizzes offers a week-by-week opportunity to recap the chapters just read. In addition to the quizzes themselves, content-rich answer sheets are provided that help a teacher lead a meaningful review. And, in addition to the weekly quizzes, a comprehensive, 100-point whole-Bible test is included. Individuals and small groups are encouraged to take the test at the beginning of the year, and then to take it again at the end, as a way of measuring personal progress and growth. |
The 3x5 Club Daily Journal
This resource is designed to help an individual read through the Bible reflectively, cover to cover, in fifty-two weeks. Each week features a devotional to help frame that week's reading. And each day features questions to answer as the reader reflects on the text of Scripture and applies it to his or her life. |
The Best Thing Forever Podcast
How many times have you heard someone say that something is "the best thing ever"? Well, I believe that the truly best thing is actually forever! It is the love of God and the love relationship that you can have with Him. For 40 years, my preaching ministry has been devoted to helping people discover His love and grow in that relationship, and this weekly podcast will feature selections from his preaching ministry. My prayer is that this podcast will do the same for you. Click the image to listen in for weekly sermons from my several decades of pastoral ministry. Give a follow on Spotify and set notifications so you won't miss a thing! |